Frequently Asked Questions
We hope your questions will be answered within these FAQs. If your question is not here, then please get in touch with us at and we will be happy to help.
Who can become a Cultural Ambassador?
Anyone can be a Cultural Ambassador. If you’d like to know more about Welsh culture, this is the course for you!
What are the online training modules?
The course is made up of many modules, and they are all available online, free of charge. You can complete the modules at a time that suits you. You can complete them daily, weekly, monthly, or you can complete the entire course in a day if that’s what you’d prefer.
Why is only the Bronze level available at the moment?
The Bronze level is available to everyone. The Silver and Gold levels will be launched later.
Do I have to complete all the modules?
You must complete the following modules, in this order, to become a Bronze level Cultural Ambassador:
1 Module: Where did Cymraeg come from, and how old is it?
- A living language
- How did the Welsh language develop?
- Are the Welsh Celts?
- Is Welsh the oldest language in Europe?
2 Module: What will visitors and newcomers to Wales know about the Welsh language?
- Seeing and hearing Welsh
- Understanding the role of Welsh
- The role of an ambassador
3 Module: Welsh medium education
- Learning through Welsh
- ‘Welsh Not’
- But what about today?
How many levels are there on the Cultural Ambassador course?
There will be three levels in the Cultural Ambassador course, Bronze, Silver and Gold, but only the Bronze level is available at the moment. The Silver and Gold levels will be launched soon.
Once you’ve completed the Bronze level, you will receive a certificate and a badge.
How many modules do I need to complete to become a Cultural Ambassador?
There are roughly three modules in each level (Bronze, Silver and Gold). You must complete all the modules within a level to become a Cultural Ambassador.
Is there a test at the end of each module?
Yes, there is a series of questions at the end of each module. You’ll need to score 80% before you can move on to the next module. But remember, if you get less than 80% you can always try again.
How long does it take to complete each module?
Each module takes about 20 minutes to complete, but you can take as much time as you like.
Are the modules available in English and Welsh?
Yes, all the modules are available in English and Welsh. You can choose your language. It’s better not to switch languages halfway in case you lose your place.
Are there any additional resources available?
Yes, there are many resources available under the ‘Resources’ section of the website.
Will the course include any face-to-face learning or training trips?
This is currently an online course, but if you have ideas on how to improve the course, feel free to let us know! You can contact us on
Will the modules be updated, or will new modules be introduced?
The Gold and Silver course levels will be launched soon. If you have already registered with the course, we will send you a message to let you know when the new courses are available.