
Carmarthenshire Tourism Ambassador Course

9 Modules

Welcome to the Carmarthenshire Tourism Ambassador Course. To become a Carmarthenshire Tourism Ambassador, you must pass three compulsory modules to achieve a Bronze certificate.

The compulsory modules are;

  • Introduction to Carmarthenshire
  • Carmarthenshire Towns and Villages
  • Food and Drink

When you have successfully passed the compulsory modules to achieve your Bronze certificate, all other module quizzes will be open to you, and you can choose any module to take next.

Complete 6 modules in total to become a Silver Carmarthenshire Tourism Ambassador.
Complete 9+ modules in total to become a Gold Carmarthenshire Tourism Ambassador.

Each module should take an average of between 15 to 30 minutes to complete, but please remember that you can stop and restart from where you left off at any time during the course.

TIP: Please complete the modules in the language that you started using. We cannot guarantee to keep your score if you change languages.

Introduction to Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire Towns and Villages

Carmarthenshire Food and Drink

Welsh language in Carmarthenshire

Gardens and Green Spaces in Carmarthenshire

Coastal Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire History

Arts & Culture in Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire: Sustainable Tourism